Prisha embarked on her enchanting journey into the world of Bharatanatyam at the tender age of 7. Under the nurturing tutelage of her esteemed Guru, Smt. Priya Venkataraman, Prisha's passion for Bharatanatyam flourished. With unwavering devotion, she honed her skills, and quickly showed promise in this ancient art form.
Her dedication to Bharatanatyam grew over the years, even while juggling her studies as a bright student at Shri Ram School. Prisha managed to balance her academic responsibilities with her passion for dance.
Bharatanatyam is one of the oldest and most revered classical dance forms of India. Rooted in the rich cultural heritage of South India, particularly the state of Tamil Nadu, it embodies the confluence of art, spirituality, and cultural expression.
Bharatanatyam traces its origins to the ancient temples of Tamil Nadu. Its roots can be found in the Natya Shastra, an ancient treatise on performing arts written by the sage Bharata Muni around 200 BCE to 200 CE. The name "Bharatanatyam" itself is derived from a combination of "Bha" (Bhava, meaning emotion), "Ra" (Raga, meaning melody), and "Ta" (Tala, meaning rhythm), encapsulating the essence of the dance form which seamlessly blends these elements.
Bharatanatyam holds profound cultural significance in India. It is more than just a dance form; it is a repository of cultural values, traditions, and religious narratives. Through its themes and expressions, Bharatanatyam conveys stories from Hindu mythology, scriptures, and folklore, serving as a medium for cultural and spiritual education.
My journey began at the age of six, when I first stepped into a dance class, attracted by the rhythmic beats and the vibrant costumes. My teacher, a stern yet nurturing guru, introduced me to the basic adavus (steps) and mudras (hand gestures) that form the foundation of Bharatanatyam. The initial years were filled with endless repetitions and a struggle to synchronize my movements with the tala (rhythm). We were also presented with the opportunity to perform short pieces at the annual dance performances organized by my teacher for our dance academy.